The Best Kind of Yoga Practice for Wintertime

wintertime yoga practiceYoga in the winter time signals a time of solace, contemplation and quiet practice.

Yin Yoga is a great way to learn how to slow your yoga practice down and the benefits that may be achieved when we do so.  In his book entitled Yin Yoga, Paul Grilley tells us, the human body is made up of a system of meridian, or energy centers that travel up and around like a network of telephone wires.  When we practice holding postures for a longer period of time with tencile pressure, we increase greatly the synovial fluids as well as the hydrolauranic acids of the body.  These sacred rivers keep our joints supple, water rich and pliant.  Furthermore, the joints of our body carry within them a tremendous amount of connective tissue which may be strengthened, and made thicker, stronger and more flexible.  This is good news!  Paul Grilley also points out the necessity of the muscles around the yin-inposed joint to relax in order for the growth to occur.

A slower yoga practice also brings us into balance. It is strongly believed by shamans for centuries that in order for our planet to become in balance, we must first individually align our own psyche and find harmony and restoration with our environment first.  Intentions or planting positive affirmations and steps to make can help us to do this.

Yogi’s have known for a long time that our energy levels can facilitate this process.  Furthermore, we have the abilty to boost our own levels of energy.  The key to increasing our energy is to focus on the inside in a loving and positive manner.  Each of us according to the Tibeatans a piece of the divine energy life force.  Acting upon this light and becoming a light for others or “following the golden rule-in action” increases further light.  Eating alkaline, non-processed, non-dairy foods can boost our energy levels.  Regular exercise and plenty of it helps the body and mind to heal faster and accelerate healing at higher levels.


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