Practice Mindfulness Today!

lotus-215470_640Being mindful means being focused on the present. Paying active attention to what is happening in the present moment without judging it at all. Leaving all evaluation behind, just being present and observing what is. For once not thinking about what will be or what should be, what was or what should have been….

Stepping back and observing the present is not an easy practice for most of us. We are so used to judging everything. The wonder of being the observer is disappearing from our world.

The constant information flow takes up the biggest part of our brain power. Who has still the time to stop and just be? To stop and look at what is around. To stop and experience wonder.

Here are 2 excellent practices to become more mindful every day:

Focus on your breathing. Nothing will bring you back to mindfulness easier than paying attention to your body. Your breath gives you an honest feedback on your physical and emotional state. You don’t need a long time to focus on your breathing patterns and get a deeper understanding of your current state. Do you breathe shallow? Too fast? Do you breathe into your belly or just into your lungs? Do you breathe out longer then breathing in?

On the other hand through your breathing you also have an excellent opportunity to influence your well being and emotions. Try to take deep belly breaths and pay attention to breathe out at least as long as you breathe in. Even small changes will calm your system down and show you the way to becoming mindful.

Practice yoga. No matter if you practice at home or go to a yoga studio, your practice will guide you to pay active attention to the present. With every new posture you get into the flow of yoga. With every passing minute you become aware at the present moment at a deep level.

Yoga practice has the power to grant you an escape from the whirling thoughts that keep your mind occupied. And an occupied mind cannot be in the present moment.

The more you can be in the present moment, the less time your mind has to idle dreaming about the past, or being afraid of some future event that likely won’t ever happen. This is why it is so important to become mindful in your everyday life. We hope the above methods will help you enjoy being present in every moment.

In August you one more reason to come to Clayton Yoga Studio! Our yoga classes and breathing exercises help you become mindful – and in August you can take those classes for $5 each! We just announced a crazy Hot August Special! $5 single yoga class cards are now available through our secure online shopping cart. Buy as many as you can use in August as these special single class cards will expire by August 31st, 2014. Let’s meet you at the studio very soon!


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