What makes Clayton Yoga such a special place to practice?

Clayton Yoga was founded in 2003 as Bella Yoga. In 2001, we changed the name, but everything else remains the same.

Clayton Yoga Studio is full of passion for the authenticity of life. No matter what class or level of yoga we offer you, we want our clients to feel good, become aware of their breath, and let go of their head. Trusting in our own power is a practice, not a talent. We hope that yoga can shift your life as it has done for so many of us. We want our students to learn to focus on creating what they want, rather than trying to change our surroundings. We believe that once we change the way we look or shift our perspective, everything in our life will also follow. To a great extent, our life really is in our own hands.

Clayton Yoga offers Vinyasa 60 All Level Yoga Classes only. The focus is on empowering our students to listen to their own breath and their own body, not to be concerned with what level they are, or where there practice is going to take them.

Clayton Yoga Studio is a small boutique setting located in downtown Clayton. With only a small size class, each instructor can take more time to focus on the individual and help the students make adjustments in postures and explain the benefits of what they are doing.

These yoga postures are designed to open the meridians or energy centers and help us to play the edge, wake up our equanimity. Or Buddha mind, and simply allow ourself to relax and be more present, empowered, peaceful and calm.

For those people who view exercise as a necessary evil, Clayton Yoga is especially useful as we let go of trying to have a great body and instead give ourself a more playful, fun and relaxing way to nurture and tend to the trouble spot areas. At Clayton Yoga, we will tone your body, but even more valuable are the tools you will gain to deepen your love no matter what conditions are present and increase the happy mojo for life!!

For more information about our yoga classes, please see our list of current yoga classes being offered. There is no pre-registration required. Simply stop by today and start feeling GREAT….


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