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Images to Inspire You

take action It’s time for inspiration! Let our selected images and the quotes inspire you today to reach for your goals and take action towards your dreams today and  every day. The quotes in the images are listed below. Here are the qoutes from the images: “Begin new trails instead of following old paths.” “If it doesn’t […] Continue reading →

Plan 2015 The Right Way

sylvester-435376_640 As 2015 approaches you might be thinking of all the great plans you have for the New Year. The last few days of the year are usually devoted to think back all the meaningful, happy, sad, challenging or nurturing experiences in your life this year. How many plans can you pack in a year? It […] Continue reading →

8% is History

number-146028_640 Have you noticed? The end of January is approaching fast. 8% of 2014 is already history!   Do you remember your New Year’s resolutions? Have you taken the necessary steps to make them come true? It is so easy to make resolutions on the first day of the year then quickly forget about them…. Because […] Continue reading →

Recommit to Your Health

female-84540_640 Do you remember January 1st when you made all those resolutions for this year? Going to the gym, taking up yoga, eating healthy, sleeping 8 hours per day, losing weight, learning Italian, writing a book… What did you want to change in your life this year? How successful are you so far in making those […] Continue reading →

Create Your Own Prosperity Board

11387309_s Since feeling wealthy is a state of mind and we all know that counting your blessings is the key to happiness, I would like to share a great tool for that was given to me to help build greater prosperity. Following these steps has certainly made me more appreciative and mindful and ready to embrace […] Continue reading →