Unhealthy posture, poor core strength and improper chest breathing, tire out the body and overwork the muscles in the upper back and lower back.
Yogis believe that a proper posture helps open our energy centers and bring about more peaceful and transforming energy. Tadasana mirrors the first chakra. This energy channel improves our sense of safety, security and survival. What is so important these days is to stay calm, not to react and send peace.
As Ghandi once said “you must be the change you wish to see”. Asked once why if he was so peaceful, he did not stay in the mountains and meditate! Ghandi replied that if the mountains contained the “heartbeat of humanity”, that is where he would go. But he went on to say, that is not where, but rather in the character and shape of the everyday life. Difficulties whether we like them or not, help build character, inner fire and language of soul.
Tadasana Instructions
Known in yoga as the blueprint of all yoga postures, Tadasana helps us find our center. Here is one powerful posture to practice for just 2 or 3 minutes per day. Take a moment to come into connection with your surroundings. Really commit to this present moment. Put yourself into this picture with all its surroundings. Take it all in, bend your knees, feel connected to earth, feel your energy concentrated and feel expansion moving out from your core.
This posture builds greater awareness and energy flow. When practice Tadasana, we draw our focus inward. By bringing our attention within, we can increase courage, improve a balanced psyche and to observe the fear and lean in. This results in greater energy flow, confidence and happiness in the body.
Mountain pose stacks all the joints of the body and wakes up inner strength. As you stand in this posture, notice the overall energy flow, confidence emerge.
Relax the shoulders down, keeping the rib cage stacked, and draw the tailbone in and under. A block between the thighs immediately wakes up the 7,000 nerve endings. We break the bonds of looking outside, we become strong inside. Try this exercise. Thich Nat Hahn has a prayer that says, Breath in and say to yourself mountain, breath out and say solid. Tadasana teaches us immediately about our surroundings and our relationship to higher source.
When the root chakra is balanced, one has good energy, feels “rooted”, secure and the world is a safe place. Having an ongoing healthy awareness of both the body and one’s environment resolves negativity, chaos and fear.
Taking responsibility for oneself is the key to releasing the shadow or victim side of this chakra. In addition to practicing Tadasana or Mountain pose on a regular basis, one may also unblock the first chakra and regain balance when dedicating time daily to positive thinking, meditation, exercise, improved diet and practicing yoga.
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