2014 Reflection

luner-lake-475819_640How is 2014 treating you? Did you have a good year? Or are you happy to see the year coming to an end and wishing for something better next year?

Before you begin making new plans for 2015 it is essential that you take a few minutes to reflect about this year. In order to begin with something new you need to bring closure to things you leave behind.

We gathered a few question to help you reflect on the last 12 months – on all the good, bad, sad, wonderful, and surprising turn of life you enjoyed this year.

The Wins

What did you accomplish? What were the most successful moments in your life? The goals you reached? Your wins? What are the things you were shining at? Did you accomplish something from your bucket list? Did you take a brave turn in a new direction?

Don’t just stop at noting the external things you achieved – take time to reflect of the internal change you went through. Who you have become is even more important than any external sign of success. If you successfully became a yoga practitioner taking regular yoga classes – this is an awesome success! Maybe in the process you also transformed into somebody who easily follows through now with any other projects in life – off the mat, too.

The Failures

I hope you failed at many things this year. You know why? Because this means that you were bravely stepping outside of your comfort zone and doing something where success was not guaranteed. You failed! Awesome! You learned so much through those bitter moments.

Failure teaches us great lessons every day. Never ever be afraid of this word again. The more you fail, the closer you are to reaching your goals! So record all those failures and be proud of them.

Also add: disappointments, losses, the things you started but never finished.

The Opportunities

Make a list of all the opportunities life presented you with this year. Did you notice those opportunities when they were offered? Many times we see those points only in hindsight… take into account all great chances you had even if you didn’t take advantage of them this time.

The Learnings

What did you learn? Think about all the wisdom and knowledge you gathered. The small a-ha moments. The big learnings that were shattering your world. The new beliefs you created, the old you let go. You might got a new diploma or certification so add that too to the list.

This is an especially sweet section of the yearly reflection as these learnings are most important for you to remember when you begin planning your 2015.


We hope you find the structured reflection on 2014 useful for you. Please stay tuned for our next article where we give you a few tips on how to plan 2015 for success and wisdom!





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