11 Healthy Foods For Women – Part One

tomatoes-447170_640Being healthy is the basis of an awesome life. Still we take health for granted – at least till the day that we face some health issues. It might take more effort to become healthy again… but it is never too late to take care of ourselves!

Most of our yoga students at Clayton Yoga Studio are women. Women’s health depends upon quite a few different factors: the impact of hormones, busy lifestyles plus the stressful demands placed upon women by society, it is so easy to fall into less than healthy habits.

Do you feel like you work way too much? Maybe you try to keep control through over-exercising or dieting without end. Or do you neglect self-care? These are just a few obvious ways women can compromise their health, and by extension, their lives.

There are many ways you can improve your health and life. Our favorite way is practicing yoga – but we might be a bit biased around here. Taking up regular yoga classes is proven to add to your well-being. That is why we encourage all our students to commit to taking 12 yoga classes at least to experience the benefits of this gentle practice.

The right nutrition is essential to a healthy and balanced life. In this article series we discuss 11 healthy foods essential for women. We added a brief explanation why these foods are so good for us. Plus we share a few good recipes so you can enjoy the benefits of healthy nutrition right away.

Eggs: Filled with tons of nutrients and vitamins, egg yolks are one of the best foods for women. You might remember the days when eggs were considered a bad food choice. Thanks to new research those days are gone and we can enjoy this versatile food staple.

Eggs contain plenty of essential nutrients that are often hard to fit into an everyday diet. These include choline, a nutrient that has been linked to low rates of breast cancer, and antioxidants that slow down aging and may prevent cataracts and other problems such as macular degeneration.

Despite claims that eggs can lead to heart disease, they’re actually incredibly healthy and should be added to your diet at least twice a week. If you do have heart disease or a heightened risk for the condition, cut back on the egg yolks and focus more on egg whites to get your weekly dosage.

Healthy egg recipe resource:
20 quick and easy ways to prepare eggs: http://www.shape.com/healthy-eating/cooking-ideas/20-quick-and-easy-ways-cook-eggs

Our favorite: the good-for-you Egg-cellent salad is a perfect choice for an office lunch.

Spinach: This super nutritious vegetable contains high amounts of lutein, vitamins A, C, and B, iron and fiber. Spinach has been shown to guard against age-related macular degeneration, prevent or reduce the risk of heart attacks, and keep cholesterol clear from artery walls.

Versatile spinach recipe resource: http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes_menus/collections/healthy_spinach_recipes
Our favorite: Super flavourful and gluten-free spinach parmesan cakes to enjoy spinach and eggs

How will you add eggs and spinach to your diet this week? Do you have an easy recipe to add? Please share your experience in the comments section!




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