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Oshun Fought for Equality – a Fable

10820971_s Central to Yoruba culture are 256 stories of Ifa which arrange a mythology for educational, spiritual, and divinational reasons.  This is one of those stories. Long ago, when movement between heaven and earth was very easy,  Olodumare sent 400 male primordial spirits, and 1 female primordial spirit, Oshun to Earth to make it suitable for […] Continue reading →

My Favorite Zen Fable

9249529_s A teaching story from Zen Fables for Today by Richard McLean – Retold by Amy Gonway Jato, the instructor to the Emperor’s sons, observed that the oldest boy was given to outbursts of anger, which could prove dangerous in later life because this prince stood as heir to his aging father’s throne armies. One day […] Continue reading →