Archives for 

Dr. Weil

Yoga Will Help You Stay Healthy

Screen Shot 2015-08-22 at 12.17.41 PM Do you seem to get ill all the time? Get all the bugs going around? Do you envy people who always seem to be healthy and rarely even get a cold? Being sick a lot takes its toll on your quality of life. The first thing you should do is see your doctor and get […] Continue reading →

Meditation And Stillness

bay-381241_640 Do you find the topic of meditation interesting? Would you like to learn more about this ancient art? Do you feel you need to do complicated poses or get to a yoga studio to practice mindfulness? We gathered a few lesser known videos around stillness, mediation for you to enjoy! Mindfulness expert Andy Puddicombe wants […] Continue reading →

The Wonderful World Of Deep Yoga Breathing

dandelion_seeds-550x600 In this blogpost we present part two our article on deep breathing and look at how our breathing shifts attitude, perceptions and beliefs.  As we spoke about earlier, ancient yogis believe the breath is the key to accessing a peaceful, calm mind.  Developing a stronger sympathetic nervous system, we allow our breath to originate from […] Continue reading →