Archives for 

yoga breathing

Yoga Will Help You Stay Healthy

Screen Shot 2015-08-22 at 12.17.41 PM Do you seem to get ill all the time? Get all the bugs going around? Do you envy people who always seem to be healthy and rarely even get a cold? Being sick a lot takes its toll on your quality of life. The first thing you should do is see your doctor and get […] Continue reading →

Just Keep Breathing by Margeau Baue Steinau

woman-570883_640 “As long as you are breathing, there is more right with you than there is wrong with you. No matter what is wrong.” Jon Kabat-Zinn “That quote from Jon Kabat-Zinn is one of the most profoundly true statements I have ever come across…and I use it as an almost constant mantra in my daily life, […] Continue reading →

Yoga Give Us So Much Energy!

sun-flower-209613_640 Your body is comprised of over 50 trillion living cells. Yoga is simple a set of exercises devised 2,500 years ago which reintegrates the mind, breath and body. When we breath deeply for example from the belly and expel toxins, we instantly feel calmer and more relaxed. By providing each practitioner with a practice of […] Continue reading →

Go Outside!

brandenburg-50492_640 Summer is here! How much time do you spend outside enjoying summer? A few minutes per day? Maybe a few hours during the weekend? Here are 5 important reasons why you need to spend as much time outside as possible: Sunshine! Sun exposure will increase vitamin D levels. Studies show that most of us suffer […] Continue reading →

A Standing Breathing Demonstration

Krista Join us in this blogpost as Krista Lowe leads us through a powerful breathing demonstration exercise.  Krista graduated from the Clayton Yoga Teacher Training in December 2012 and completed this breathing exercise with flying colors!  (Krista is front and center on the photo attached) Ms. Lowe demonstrates the anatomical positioning very well in the Tadasana, […] Continue reading →

The Wonderful World Of Deep Yoga Breathing

dandelion_seeds-550x600 In this blogpost we present part two our article on deep breathing and look at how our breathing shifts attitude, perceptions and beliefs.  As we spoke about earlier, ancient yogis believe the breath is the key to accessing a peaceful, calm mind.  Developing a stronger sympathetic nervous system, we allow our breath to originate from […] Continue reading →

Breathing Deep Empowers Us All

14977607_s In this blogpost we present part one of a two part look at how our breathing shifts attitude, perceptions and beliefs.  Ancient yogis believe the breath is the key to the mind. When we breathe deeply and regularly, we unlock higher energies which support and sooth our nervous system. This is why when most patients […] Continue reading →

Stress Less

5064916_s How many times do you feel stress flooding your whole body? Every day? Every waking hour? You are not alone. Our stress levels are continuously increasing day by day. In the office, at home, during your commute… countless situations will stress you out. What you do against this never-ending stress taking toll on your body, […] Continue reading →