Archives for 

holistic healing

90 Minute Thai Yoga Massage at Clayton Yoga

13105291_s Thai Yoga Massage is a 2,500 year old practice that has ancient roots in holistic healing. Thai Yoga is a unique form of sacred bodywork which combines rhythmic massage, acupressure, yoga stretching, gentle twisting, energy work and meditation to achieve balance, well-being and inspired living. Thai Yoga includes but is not limited to Ayurveda, massage, […] Continue reading →

What is Thai Yoga Massage?

17997914_s Thai Yoga massage is a tremendous tool to remind us how to create greater life balance and remember the importance not just in doing, but also in receiving too.   Practicing and receiving Thai Yoga Massage is one of the best gifts we can give ourself! Thai Yoga Massage has ancient roots in holistic healing: including […] Continue reading →