Review 2015 Before Planning For 2016

pencil-918449_640With only a few days to go till the New Year, we hope you are excited about 2016! We certainly are! Before you start planning for next year, there is one important thing to do and it gets forgotten most of the time. You need to review 2015 to acknowledge the learning, the good and the bad that happened this year.

We tend to run through the year – having no time and energy to consciously examine every day. Days seem to just disappear and we might not even remember what we did on a particular day. This is why it is important to take a few minutes and have a close look of this year.

We have gathered a few coaching questions to help you with your review!


Get pen and paper (we suggest that you hand write and not type when you work with your 2015 review). Create an inviting, calm and relaxing environment. Light a few candles if you will. The important thing is that you create a safe, inspiring space even if only for 15-20 minutes. You can return to the questions any time, of course if you need more time to contemplate.

Coaching questions

  • What 3 words would represent your 2015? Was it joyful, surprising, demanding, adventurous, boring or filled with love? What are the most important attributes of 2015?
  • Do you remember the intentions and goals you had at the beginning of the year? Gather them again. What happened with these goals? Did you reach them? Did they turn out to be not important after all?
  • What was working for you? How did these happenings supported to reach your goals? Why did these things work? Was it a surprise for you?
  • What was NOT working for you this year? How did these things hinder reaching your goals? Why did these things didn’t work for you?
  • What was the biggest surprise of 2015?
  • The most unexpected experience you had?
  • What was the biggest gift of this year? A real gift, an important a-ha moment or a new perspective you got?
  • What was the experience that you will remember forever?
  • What brought you the biggest laugh this year?
  • What made you cry?
  • What fearful thoughts did you entertain in 2015?
  • What was your “Hell Yeah!” moment last year?
  • When did you say a very clear “Hell NO”?
  • What are you most grateful for this year?
  • What was the funniest and saddest moment of your life in 2015?
  • What would you like to leave behind? What would you like to take with you to 2016?

Feel free to add your own questions to the list! If you liked the review process, then write down the coaching questions you found most insightful in your 2016 diary for December next year so you can do the review again.

Enjoy looking back on 2015 with clarity! Feel free to add your questions to the comment section!

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