Meet Amanda Herr, Clayton Yoga’s New Yoga Teacher!


Amanda is to the right on the photo

This blogpost features our brand new Clayton Yoga teacher, Amanda Herr.  Amanda recently graduated from Clayton Yoga’s Teacher Training Program and is now teaching at the yoga studio Tuesdays, 5:45-6:45pm.  Amanda has been receiving rave reviews from our yoga students and we are very happy to share with you in this blogpost more about her background, lifestyle and yoga philosophy.

“I am interested in teaching yoga because it has amazing potential to impact health and happiness and I want to share this great tool.  I enjoy helping others find a safe, beneficial and enjoyable practice.  I like to create dynamic yoga sequences that target specific benefits for my clientele.  I believe that everyone is coming from a unique place and under certain conditions require even a step back approach.  I enjoy providing many modifications for those who wish to try but are not able to successfully complete each pose.

In my own practice, I find that yoga has offered me a safe haven, or sanctuary, where I can get calm, gain clarity and achieve greater perspective.  I find that I have more acceptance and self-exploration to achieve higher fitness levels.  Gaining greater perspective and cultivating less anxiety in my life has resulted in more confidence at work.  I find that I am no longer pushed this way or that nearly as quickly.  As a result of this yoga teacher training with Clayton Yoga, I can now practice yoga and offer tools to others that combat negativity and improve the quality of everyday life greatly.

I find that the holistic model is not just about the individual but the whole family, the whole society improving.  If we work too much, eat too much or get out of balance, we become easily susceptible to join group think and greatly narrow our life choices.  There is a saying in Buddhism, in the beginner’s mind there are infinite possibilities, in the advanced mind very few.  Practicing breathing and yoga regularly helps us to constantly achieve a beginners mind.

When we challenge ourself to face what is difficult and to breath, we expand our choices and give greater attention to possibilities.  We are leaving space for murky waters to settle and joy to flow back in.  I have found through Clayton Yoga’s teacher training many new yoga friends and the support I needed to become very clear about my goals, vision and business plans.  I am excited to one day perhaps open my own yoga studio and along the way enjoy setting the tone for students in my class to enjoy practicing yoga in an inspiring environment and also learning the miraculous ways of having a daily proactive, healthy mindset.”

Clayton Yoga, established in June, 2003, welcomes all levels and backgrounds to join us in playful yoga where each and every student is encouraged to go at their own pace.  For more information about our Clayton Yoga Teacher Training Program, please contact us at 314-630-1677 or go to to set up a phone consultation call.


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