Daily Yoga Teacher Training Schedule
Savasana, Breathing and Meditation 7am-9am
One of the most fundamental tools to great yoga and a healthy body is the yogic breath. We begin the day with Restorative and Yin Yoga to inspire and jumpstart your day. Yoga creates balance and ease in our effort and brings the body and mind into harmony. With proper instruction, you will work with creating assisted longer hold times and necessary props such as bolsters, blocks, straps, blankets and chairs. Everyone will have daily opportunity to lead the group, in 10, 20 and 30 minute increments of fabulous breathing, restorative and yin yoga postures.
Breakfast and Discussion 9am-10am
Daily Agenda 10:00-10:30am
New Business/Old Business
Video, etc.
Sun A, Sun B, Primary + Standing Postures Ashtanga Yoga 10:30a-11am
Yoga deep breathing is easy, what becomes challenging is the continuity of breath throughout class. Ashtanga and Sequencing will provide you with a detailed overview to the sanskrit name and flow sequence for each movement in the Ashtanga Primary Series Practice. Each movement begins first with turning inward. We will study also the 8 basic Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga and shift from fear and stress to collaborative heightened states of relaxation.
Coffee/Tea Break 11-11:30am
Sequence Practicing Teaching + Adjustments 11:30-12:30pm
You will be able to develop a theme for their yoga class. Give clear, simple directions, safely sequence 20, 40 and 60 minute yoga flows. Creating an atmosphere of trust by encouraging students to honor their body and safely move students to their edge.
Lunch and Marketing Yoga Handouts 12:30-1:30 pm
Creative journaling time. This time will be devoted to inspiring journal assignments sparking new discoveries, dimensions, passions to awaken and keep awakeing your higher self. Find a quiet space and get ready to write. This is a great time to release the past and step into your power. Also to review marketing yoga materials for the day and soak up the peace!…
Yoga Research, Yoga Benefits and Yoga Sanskrit 1:30-2:30 pm
The journey of yoga is one of empowerment and learning to trust in yourself. A comprehensive, clear outline of all major, basic yoga postures from behind the scenes to deeply understand the relationship between the body and mind. Here we learn more about the mind body interaction, improve lifestyle choices, learn sanskrit and understand research findings.
Practice Anatomy and Adjustments 2:30-4:00pm
Yoga postures promote healing and stimulate circulation in the body. These anatomy tips will safely prepare you to practice and teach all level yoga classes in any background or setting. When we create anatomical space and support in the body, we are able right in the middle of our busy workday, to pause and realign with wholeness, peace and wisdom. Learn the key differences between good and bad pain, common misalignment, better anatomical tools and necessary adjustments to support every student.
Coffee/Tea Break 4:00-4:30pm
Yoga Buddy and Sequence Writing 4:30-5:00pm
Time to review any topic for greater clarity and practice teaching with your Yoga Buddy. Write your own speciality yoga sequence like Yoga for Arthritis. Gain valuable tips to instructing all level yoga classes or upleveling a dynamic at home home daily practice. Learn 50 of Clayton Yoga’s Best Accessible and Challenging Postures.
Balancing, Inversions and Advanced Yoga Postures 5:00-6:00pm
We finish the day with one hour of inversion and all advanced yoga postures. Turning the body upside down improves sleep, brings blood flow to the heart, balances the hormonal body, creates radiant, glowing skin, replenishes hair and relieves compression in the spine. All yoga props are supportive to correct yoga sequencing and include chairs, straps, yoga mats, blankets, blocks and bolsters. Key note: students depending on their ability may choose to forgo an advanced movement ( for ex. headstand) while still continuing to gain valuable experience by watching others and asking questions.
Open Floor, Q + A, and Closing 6:00-7:00 pm
Breathing Yoga Practice provides us with sanctuary, a stillpoint, or place whwere we may cultivate greater perspective, increase our energy, and garner the courage to go past the daily drama, or crisis, and retrieve our sacred center.