Bring Your Higher Love

wonder-woman-533663_640Both male and female forces reside in each of us and it is in living our life at the edge with compassion that we ignite our ‘inner hero’. When you watch a box office adventure movie or read a good book, you easily identify with the hero because it moves your soul. You leave and feel inspired to also in some way make a difference and remove the suffering in the world.

Yoga is not a tool to seek out or find the self but a process of removing the blocks to discovering the Self. One deep breath can break up the electromagnetic vortex’s or holding patterns of our own negative attitudes and beliefs and put us on a whole new journey. It is through the everyday task of pulling out the weeds or cleaning the dirt off the windows, that we may come to know or experience our own victorious side.

It is this ability to engage our heart in our everyday “mundane” world that illuminates joy, meaning and love. There really is nothing ordinary about the everyday. Constantly we are receiving signals in order to become familiar with our fears, we may then let go or transcend their grip on us.

The key is to remember that the ego likes to come along and take credit for all the work. We must again and again let go of these attachments and rediscover the joy of digging in the dirt, or doing what we do for the love of the game.

It is primarily four main archetypes: the child, the victim, the saboteur and the rescuer, that operates in our consciousness in order to show us this dirt or shadow energy. All day long, we are being presented with many relationships and dynamics which are drawn to us based on how we are sending out energy. When we step back and breath, we reconnect to our life-force and discover, we can still choice and become victorious.

If we compete too much, we draw into our energy unconscious fear. If we want to be happy, truly happy, we need to recognize and appreciate what we have. Gratitude is soil for healthy conditions that will brinhat we really need is to clear out the noise and remember that our happiness and truth to live more fluidly has always been in our owg about happiness. In our rampant capitalistic society, it is easy to find so many people coming from a place of lack or want. Wn hands.

Becoming victorious is a process of remembering again and again, that situations and people are drawn to us to transcend fear. Would you like to create a new healthy habit? Everyone is welcome to our Clayton Yoga studio six days a week. As well, take advantage of corporate yoga classes offered at your workplace! No office yoga at your company yet? Let’s change this! Please call Michelle at 314-630-1677 so we can create the best on-site yoga program for you and your colleagues!




2 thoughts on “Bring Your Higher Love

  1. My yoga practice reminds me to be grateful. I feel victorious when i experience a gradual or sometimes sudden opening of a formerly inflexible area. Stepping out of the crazy, fast paced world to pay close attention to what is happening right then and there puts me in touch with a calm place deep inside me and it is deep inside all of us!

  2. There really is nothing ordinary about the everyday!!
    Its hard not to get jealous of other peoples lives and think that yours is boring.
    But look at everyday as a challenge to make it an adventure, to smile, to face your fears.